M,N,O & P

(I'm really wondering how still I have to stand to keep some of these photos from being
so blurry. )
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
These are my two newest letters
"M" - 8" paper mache letter. Morning Glory.... ( I actually think my best friend Michele plans to scarf this up, but I wanted to show it any hoot. )
"N" - 12" wooden letter. Naughty or Nice.... I really enjoyed doing this one.
I am working on my "O" now. I'm going with a Opium Poppy for the subject. A very pretty flower that I think will make a lovely subject matter.

- Paper was my subject. A collage of craft paper, paper dolls, algebra
books ( didn't see any reason to not use them, won't be needing them
any longer myself!) Ha! I also threw a couple of photos of Shirley Temple in there.
I actually created the "P"
a while back, but decided that since I wasn't staying in sequence with
the letters I would wait until I got to the M,N,O before showing it.
Okay, I have skipped over "O", but only for a short time.
Side note........
Sweet Tea & Shopping
Last Chance Santa
A Handmade & Vintage Holiday Celebration
Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 - 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Bottom View Farm – 185 Wilkerson Lane
Portland, TN 37148
I will be in my first Crafts Fair on December 7th in Portland, TN .
I am Oh So excited about this......
If you are anywhere in Middle Tennessee on the 7th, please try to stop by for a introduction, look see and visit.
will have a number of drawings, my letters, aprons and purses with me.
All wanting you to get them out of my closet and on to more useful
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