In a previous post I showed my progress with my
very first portrait of my grandfather. Just as a beginning place, I
wanted to remind you of the progress from beginning toend.
I don’t know who this is, but it’s not my grandfather
My completed piece was a much better portrait than I began with.
Since drawing has always been a passion of mine, it startles me now
that I allowed myself to have such difficulty learning to draw a
portrait. As a girl, they just scared me so bad, so I stuck with still
life, and architecture.
Now, on to Daddy….
Oh, just as with Papa, when I began Dads portrait I miscalculated and came out with this…. (don’t judge me….)
but, I caught a deep breathe and started over…….
this is what I have so far……
getting better….
I would really like to get all the kinks out before I start on Mom.
(I'm really wondering how still I have to stand to keep some of these photos from being
so blurry. )
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
These are my two newest letters
"M" - 8" paper mache letter. Morning Glory.... ( I actually think my best friend Michele plans to scarf this up, but I wanted to show it any hoot. )
"N" - 12" wooden letter. Naughty or Nice.... I really enjoyed doing this one.
I am working on my "O" now. I'm going with a Opium Poppy for the subject. A very pretty flower that I think will make a lovely subject matter.
- Paper was my subject. A collage of craft paper, paper dolls, algebra
books ( didn't see any reason to not use them, won't be needing them
any longer myself!) Ha! I also threw a couple of photos of Shirley Temple in there.
I actually created the "P"
a while back, but decided that since I wasn't staying in sequence with
the letters I would wait until I got to the M,N,O before showing it.
Okay, I have skipped over "O", but only for a short time.
Side note........
Sweet Tea & Shopping
Last Chance Santa
A Handmade & Vintage Holiday Celebration
Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 - 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Bottom View Farm – 185 Wilkerson Lane
Portland, TN 37148
I will be in my first Crafts Fair on December 7th in Portland, TN .
I am Oh So excited about this......
If you are anywhere in Middle Tennessee on the 7th, please try to stop by for a introduction, look see and visit.
will have a number of drawings, my letters, aprons and purses with me.
All wanting you to get them out of my closet and on to more useful
When I was a little girl I wanted to be Juliet Prowse. I wanted to dance!
I realized at some point that I was just way too short to be Juliet
Prowse, so I decided that it would be much more realistic to be Mitzi
See, that’s a whole lot more realistic. Ha!
Needless to say after taking ballroom dancing from a friend of my
mother at the age of 12, 13 or 14? I can’t remember, I didn’t dance
again.. I would tell you that I did the shag in college, which is both
true and not true. I was so self conscious in college that I wouldn’t
do it in front of a male at all. Well, that’s kind of not the truth
either. I did it once, but I was terribly drunk. As I recall, a little
later in the evening I got terribly sick… probably jostling all that
alcohol around in my tummy! Ha!
I did dance one dance, once with my ex husband… in the early years…
but he told me that I bounced. So, I never danced with him or anyone
else again.
Any hoot, my daughter introduced me to a co-worker who belonged to Meetup.
It’s a very great organization that matches people up with their
interests. This co worker said that she belonged to a swing dance group
where you can take an hour lesson during the first hour and then you
have 3 hours to just dance. Your dancing with people in you dance
class, but then you also dance with others as well.
Oh, yes! If my stamina was a little better, I would have. But, I
did stay 2 1/4 hours and I had so much fun, it seemed like a fairy tale!
If the world danced with each other all the time, there would be no
war, no misery! Just a bunch of people having fun! And, drinking a lot
of water! Ha!
Ta Da! I'm done! I'm sure if you know me on facebook you have seen the finished product, but I'm tickled it turned out so good. For my first!
I feel so good about this that I’m doing one of my Mom & Dad.
I’m going to draw them from their photo portraits done in their 20′s. I
think it was their 20′s…. they were young anyway. What’s so important
about age anyway, it’s just a number. They sit on my dresser and I look
at them all the time. So, here I go again!!!
If you have excellent vision, you can probably tell that I’ve started
on the head. I’ve come to a halt today since I reached his nose and
ear…… these area’s are intimidating to me for some reason. I have to
make sure that I am feeling “all creative” before I can continue on.
But, on a happy note, I am on fall break, I’ve promised myself this time
would be spent creatively so I have all the time in the world to get
this right. At this point, that’s how it seems…. :[ Ha! We will
I know this is my 2nd post in one day, but I'm on fall break and I'm on a roll.....
have been working on this "L' for forever! It surprised me when I
realized how intense it is to paint Lollipops! I'm serious, it's
I have creating these paper mache letters with interesting
designs for a time now. I am working on my "M' already..... a flower
theme I think. I know most of you know this next section, but this is what I added to my new blog on wordpress, so I thought I'd let you see it too. Aren't I sweet?
Here are some of the previous letters I've completed and now are for sale at
And, just to add a little side bar, I have also done a few that have been for individuals....
Halloween can not be missed also, so here are my contributions to Halloween 2013
that spider H is blurry. I tried to find the clear one, but I haven't
got all day. If I find it later, I will give it the attention it
deserves.... It's really cute! Here it is! Told you it was cute!
Oh, Oh, just wait til Thanksgiving! I have something great coming up!