I decided to go with pink for my "G". I thought it would be nice to paint a gerbera daisy drinking up some rain. I painted the rain with white fabric paint mixed with acrylic.
I realize that all my letters will only appeal to a young children and a female audience, but I also realize that I am more familiar with that demographic, so I'm not going to concern myself with that aspect of my goal at this time.
"H for Heather"
Moving on with my flower theme, I completed my H in the color heather and painted heather
flowers up both sides. It's going back to a less bold format, but I thought it would be a good theme for this letter.
"Ivy climbing the I"
When I started my letter I, I thought that a painted lace would look quite nice. I began by painting the letter in brown, then I spray painted lace in red. After I completed this step I realized that with a little fabric paint inside the spaces left by the lace, that might bring a look of brick which I thought would be quite nice. I then placed ivy as if it were climbing up the letter in a circular movement.
I believe this is the first letter that I can say is might suit any gender, quite pleased with the way it turned out.
I'm really happy with the direction my alphabet is going, however I believe that it's about time to start working on a drawing again. I have a few aprons that I have been working on. I'll be posting those soon also.
I am very thankful to those who have taken the time to read my blog and see the art I'm working on. I appreciate that you have joined me on my journey.
With much love and gratitude,