Getting Started
I asked my daughter how I should get started with my blog and she said, " Just write about what you want Mother", Ha! At this very moment it appears easier than feels.

I've been drawing since I was a young girl. It just seemed to be the only thing that truly brought me joy.
I remember asking my mother if I could take art lessons at the art gallery in my home town.
So many times throughout my adult life family and friends have wondered why I did nothing with my art. I have often wondered that myself.

I majored in Art Education in the 70's. When I
graduated from college I started a family and my art education was a
piece of paper hanging on the wall.
I recently found myself divorce and I made the decision to focus on my creative strengths while building a new life for myself. I will be continuing to build my inventory as time and money allows.
As I'm building the inventory I decided to start this blog, partly since I saw so many others with blogs, but also to help me stay focused and build my circle of friends and supporters for strength and encouragement.